Institutskolloquium online

Vortrag von Bernhard Fuchs

Am Donnerstag, 17.03.2022 findet im Rahmen des Institutskolloquiums "Wetter/Wissen: Kulturanalytische Perspektiven auf Zustände der Atmosphäre" folgender Vortrag statt:

Bernhard FuchsDylanesque Meteorology: Weather Metaphors in Shifting Contexts

The singer-songwriter Bob Dylan frequently deploys weather metaphors in his lyrics which inspire people to adopt them in different contexts from violent revolutionaries, environmentalist protest movements to commercials, and to academics in various fields of science - last but not least also to meteorology. This paper analyses such uses of Dylan from a semiotic perspective informed by Fan Studies, contributing new dimensions to the discussion of academic fandom.

Wir laden herzlich dazu ein, am Donnerstag, 17.03.2022 um 17:00 Uhr online beizuwohnen:

Bildquelle: Windfinder |