Thassilo Hazod, M.A.
Thassilo Hazod is a university assistant (prae doc) at the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies (DCHCS). He is working on his doctoral thesis on family farms with direct marketing at the Department of European Ethnology.
Thassilo Hazod studied History (BA, University of Vienna), Creative Writing (BA, University of Applied Arts Vienna) and European Ethnology (MA, University of Vienna).
His research interests include economic anthropology, family and kinship studies, rural areas and ethnographic methods.
In 2019, his monograph „Familienbilder: Aushandlung von Familie in Foto-Interviews mit Wiener Romnija und Roma“ was published.
About me
- Member of the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna (since 2022)
- Member of the faculty focus "Economy and Society from a Historical and Cultural Studies Perspective" of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna (since 2022)
- Member of the working group "Wiener Werkstatt Ethnographie" (since 2022)
- Member of the working group "Forum urban_land_scapes" (since 2023)
- Since May 2023: Spokesperson of the working group "Forum urban_land_scapes" (with Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber)
- Since Dec. 2022: Editor of the ÖZV Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (chronicle/reports)
- Since 2022 University assistant (prae doc) at the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies (DCHCS)
- 2018 to 2022 German teacher, lecturer and editor as well as PR and social media manager
- February to July 2017 Erasmus semester abroad in Budapest as part of the MA European Ethnology program
- 2015 to 2018 Master's degree in European Ethnology, University of Vienna (M.A. degree)
- 2011 to 2015 Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing, University of Applied Arts Vienna (B.A. degree)
- 2010 to 2015 Bachelor's degree in History, University of Vienna (B.A. degree)
- Prize for outstanding Master's theses at the Department of European Ethnology, Vienna. (2019)
About my research
- November 16 - 17, 2023
Workshop "The good life in the countryside: on the attractiveness of rural ways of living and working in the present and past" LINK
Organization and implementation together with Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber and Margareth Lanzinger
- November 16 - 17, 2023
Research Interests
- Economic anthropology
- Family and kinship studies
- Methods of ethnography
- Ruralities
- Gender research
- Historical anthropology
- Photography, film
Lectures and other scientific activities
- 4.3.2025 "Peasant Knowledge and the Economic Practice of Direct Marketing", Workshop "Farmers’ Knowledge and Farming Practices", Institute of Rural History (IGLR), St. Pölten
- 11.10.2024 "Valorisation of food in direct marketing practices", Workshop "Values: From theory to empirical examples in agri-food studies", University of Innsbruck
- 23.7.2024 "Creating one's own market: direct marketing family farms between peasant-like and entrepreneurial strategies", EASA 2024: "Doing and Undoing with Anthropology", University of Barcelona
- 28.6.2024 "The plural economy of direct marketing", Workshop "Auf dem Weg zur Resilienz? Interdisziplinäres sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliches Reflexionswissen zur Transformation der Landwirtschaft", University of Passau
- 18.4.2024 "Participating and Observing on a Farm, Sharing Experiences", Workshop "Experience - Methods - Sources" of the DFG Network "Erfahrung als Forschungsperspektive. Kulturanalytische Relationierungen", Department of European Ethnology, Vienna
- 4.3.2024 "Economic practices of agricultural direct marketing in the context of urban-rural relations", Forum urban_land_scapes (FULS), Department of European Ethnology, Vienna
- 17.1.2024 Presentation of the dissertation project "Family Farming, Direct Marketing", "Rural History Forum" of the Institute of Rural History (IGLR), St. Pölten
- 16.11.2023 "Family Farming, Direct Marketing: Economic Practices of Family Farms in Upper Austria", Workshop "The good life in the countryside: on the attractiveness of rural ways of living and working in the present and past", Department of European Ethnology, Vienna
- 25.10.2018 Lecture at the colloquium of the Department of European Ethnology, Vienna: "Roma: Problematization of a Category" in the series "Terms as Problems: Word usage in science and society"
- 2016 to 2017 Internship in the photo collection of the Volkskundemuseum Wien: Supervision of the photo collection, participation in the exhibition "Fremde im Visier" and co-curator of the additional exhibition "Ihr Album unter der Lupe"
- 2010/2011 Research trip to Tibet (09/10 2010), ethnographic assistant in the FWF project "The Great Lineages of Central Tibet" (FWF P18711-G14 carried out at the Institute of Social Anthropology (ISA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
- 2024. Die Arbeit an der Autonomie. Ökonomische Praktiken der Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe in Oberösterreich. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 127/2, 223-245.
- 2024. Chef:in sein. Direktvermarktung und der Wert landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit. In: Kuckuck-Notizen zur Alltagskultur 39/2, 31-36.
Reviews and reports
- 2024. Bericht zum Workshop "Das gute Leben auf dem Land: zur Attraktivität ländlicher Lebens- und Arbeitsformen in Gegenwart und Geschichte, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie an der Universität Wien, 16. und 17. November 2023". In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 127, 127-130.
- 2023. mit Gaillinger, Felix: Bericht zum Workshop "Was können wir tun? Anwendungshorizonte kulturwissenschaftlicher Stadtforschung. 13. Workshop des Netzwerks kulturwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie (Wien), 16. bis 17. März 2023". In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 126, 307-312.
- 2019. Familienbilder: Aushandlung von Familie in Foto- Interviews mit Wiener Romnija und Roma. Wien: Verlag des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie. https://euroethnologie.uni- fuer-europaeische-ethnologie/informationen-40-49/band-48/