© ÖAW/Klaus Pichler, 2019
Greca Nathascia Meloni, MA
Bachelor's Degree Program in Cultural Heritage (2012) at the University of Cagliari (Italy).
Master studies in Archaeology and History of Art (2015) at the University of Cagliari (Italy).
From February 2014 to February 2015 student at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) within the Erasmus program.
Since March 2017 Ph.D. student at the Institute of European Ethnology of the University of Vienna.
From the 1st of July 2018 beneficiary of the DOC Fellowship Program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
E-Mail: greca.nathascia.meloni@univie.ac.at
Website: https://www.fareapicoltura.net/
- Research Interest
Research Project (current) - Conferences
- Publications
- Seminars
Research Interests / Research Project
Human ecology
Human and animal relationship
Food Identity
Visual Anthropology
Anthropology and Beekeeping
Research Project (current)
The Research "Making Honey - Making Identity. Polocies and beekeeping in Sardinia" focuses on knowledge and practices of beekeeping in Sardinia (Italy), and the tensions and conflicts that arise - both within the community of beekeepers, and between that community and various regional institutions - in Response to issues of environmental resource Management and the exploitation of local products connected with identity matters.
11./12. Januar 2018, "Making Honey- Making Identity. Policies and Beekeeping In Sardinia", 4. Internationale Doktorand*innentagung des "Interdisziplinären Netzwerks historische und ethnographische Forschung im Austausch", Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Wien, Wien (Österreich).
14-17 December 2017, "Saperi condivisi, saperi in conflitto: co-managment dell'apicoltura in Sardegna", V Convegno Nazionale SIAA- Italian Society for Applied Anthropology, University of Catania (Italy).
23. November 2017, "Beekeeping in Sardinia: Conflicts and policies", Institutskolloquium "Protest und Reformation", Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Wien.
16th July, 2017, "Antropologia dell'apicoltura in Sardegna: Tra tutela della biodiversità e valorizzazione dei prodotti locali (Anthropology of beekeeping in Sardinia. From biodiversity protection and valorization of local products)", Sardinian Regional Agency for Agriculture, Guspini (Italy).
Nieradzik, L., Meloni, G.N., Wolfmayr, G. & Schmidt-Lauber, B., 2018 (accepted / in press), Beyond Anthropology: A conversation with Tim Ingold, in: Historische Anthropologie: Kultur - Gesellschaft - Alltag.
Meloni, G.N., 2018 (accepted), "Making Indigeneity: The Beekeeper`s Perspective", in: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 5.
Meloni, G.N., 2017, "Làpicoltura in Sardegna. Uno sguardo antropologico", in: Api Buridane, Edited by Luigi Manias, NUR, Ales.
SoSe 2018: Kulturtheorien: B430 Spezielle Theorien "Anthropology and Beekeeping"